SCA does not require students to test for admittance into any of its programs; however, families must show proof of active membership in a Bible-believing church.
SHABACH! Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender or national origin. The following requirements must be met for admission to SCA:
All families applying for admission to SCA must be born-again believers in Jesus Christ. They must show evidence of membership in a Bible-believing church on church letterhead. They must acknowledge and sign the Statement of Faith.
All students must complete an Application for Admission and pay the corresponding application fee for the age group/program for which they are applying.
All students must show proof of immunization, present a birth certificate, and present a social security card.
All students must provide a copy of any educational, psychological, speech, behavior, physical therapy or occupational assessments, if applicable.
All families must sign a financial contract that details their financial commitment to the school.
All families must agree to abide by the Parent/School Covenant and agree to comply with all rules and regulations which SCA may deem necessary for the proper operation of the school.​
Students Applying for Admission to Kindergarten:
Must be age 5 on or before August 31st of the school year for which they are applying for admission.
Must have successfully passed the kindergarten readiness test, if their birthday is between September 1st and October 15th.
Transitional Kindergarten placement is available for children who turn five between October 16th and November 30th. Screening is required for the admission as a “TK student”. Students will not be admitted to kindergarten if they are age four and their fifth birthday is after October 15th.
Must submit a teacher recommendation form.
Students Applying for First Grade:
Must be age six on or before September 1st of the school year they are applying for admission for.
Must have successfully completed kindergarten and show evidence that the student passed the kindergarten readiness test before their admission to kindergarten, if their birthday is between September 1st – October 15th.
Students will not be admitted to first grade if they are five and their sixth birthday is after October 15th.